IoT: Device Vulnerability & Security Concerns in Wearable Devices
Wearable IoT have broaden and improved the perspective of individuals about their surroundings. A successful IoT device has to be affordable as well as reliable. It should not interfere with other devices and should incorporate mechanisms to remain immune from interferences. It should further ensure effective battery life with perfect functionality and energy efficiency. However, the risks involved in attaining this ideal scenario are many. IoT include a plethora of devices or things like vehicles, smartphones, televisions, wearable devices like fitness tracking devices, smartwatch and Google Glass, etc. These devices are embedded with software applications, sensors and other components for receiving and sending data. A colossus of connected devices is created by inter-connectivity of those devices. This connectivity offers magnificent benefits to people’s lives but it entails certain security and privacy concerns. The most conspicuous among them are the wearable devices which are gain...