AI in Media, Ethical challenges and its Regulation

 Considering the potential of AI in offering services, it makes technology adaptable through real time learning with target systems. AI has been deployed in a plethora of business sectors for decision making. AI is capable of making the target system act in the most suitable way in order to facilitate the businesses. For example, industrial robots are used in supply chain management like robot arm and service robots are used in hospitals for cleaning. Thus, robots have evolved into more personalized service systems with enhanced autonomy. Torresen has discussed the ethical considerations that contribute to the impact of AI systems on future. He has beautifully explained that the ideas of travelling under water, away from Earth and around the Earth, which were fictitious till some years ago, have been materialized by scientists. Technologically inspired science fiction in media like books and movies has motivated the researchers to advance in this technology further as well as work on its ethical aspects to evaluate its acceptance in daily life. 

Ethical Challenges

Ethical challenges in AI include the awareness of developers regarding ethical issues, preventing misuse of the technology and developing systems which are easy for inception. Another potential challenge is using the technology for ethical decision making and mitigating undesired behavior. Leila Ouchchy has specifically discussed the perspective of news media in portraying ethical issues of AI. The author says that what media covers and distributes about ethics of AI to masses has substantial effect on the future implementations of AI as well as on outlining the regulations. On the basis of evaluation of various articles, Ouchchy at. Al. highlighted that media articles which focus on public involvement, AI regulation and mitigation of unwanted outcomes were most impactful. Artificial Intelligence technology is becoming important in human lives. This has led to its consideration among media discussions. Media coverage plays crucial role in driving public discourse about innovative technologies. Therefore, discussion on AI in media shall open doors to new perspectives on public debates based on development and regulation of this technology. 

AI in ‘News’! AI in Social Media!

AI plays an important role in news publishing by using machine learning to offer personalized reader experiences. As stated by (Phillips, 2019), ML programs facilitate the readers to access content as per their preference. This increases user’s satisfaction and increases subscription growth. Furthermore, artificial Intelligence is crucial in the success of social media. It is responsible for managing massive data received through various platforms. AI and ML comprehensively impact the use of social media since volumes of data are analyzed to understand user’s behavior. ML algorithms monitor the demographics and unstructured comments and then provide outcomes that ensure personalized user experience as well as determine crisis. The benefits of this technology in social media include recognition of images, chatbot utility, analysis of sentiments and security enhancement. Public trust is crucial for the successful use of AI. Users want to know how their data is used and how is AI beneficial to them. It is important for organizations and governments to build framework which balances public trust and the data fed to AI for it to work properly.

AI in India

The initiatives taken in our country related to AI involved preparing a consolidated report on the use of AI here. Ten domains were listed where AI was found relevant. These included Education, Agriculture, Healthcare and retail and customer relationship among others.  The recommendations in support of usage of AI in India are further mentioned in the report. A national Strategy Plan for AI was drafted by NITI Aayog in 2018 where five sectors were highlighted with highest social impact. The Plan’s report further provided policy recommendations. Research in AI in India is encouraged through several committees established by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. The regulatory framework has been put in place to address the issues surfacing from AI. However, the black box algorithms are yet to be explored to regulate the issues and the companies are hold the responsibility of preventing any harm caused due to AI. 


A lot has been discussed on the ethics of AI but more is needed. The discussions are sophisticated in approach and require involvement of all stakeholders to offer depth to the debate on ethical issues, viability and regulation of AI. Media has been progressively covering AI technology and its use, thus highlighting the concerns about its adoption as well. Media further emphasizes on regulation of AI. 


Ouchchy, L., Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. AI in the headlines: the portrayal of the ethical issues of artificial intelligence in the media. AI & Soc 35, 927–936 (2020).

Torresen J., (2018), “A Review of Future and Ethical Perspectives of Robotics and AI”. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, VOLUME 4, pp 75,, DOI=10.3389/frobt.2017.00075

Buchanan, K., Zhang, L., Ahmad, T., Umeda, S., (2019), “Regulation of Artificial Intelligence: East/South Asia and the Pacific”, Regulation of Artificial Intelligence ( 


  1. Yes as per article ethical challenges in Artificial Intelligence.... is itself a complete topics which requires not only involvement of different government but also different professional agencies/bodies to combat what should be do and don't of machine learning/AI ,This is very potential topic of debates...


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