Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Values

 Autonomous systems are developed to emulate certain characteristics of intelligent biological systems. The technology is swiftly gaining pace for significant advances in various fields. The systems are changing the perspective towards self-governance and decision-making abilities of machines with system enhancements in real cases. There is a large scope of research in ethics related to autonomous systems and their technical implementation which still remains unexplored in depth.

I am influenced by the approach taken by the authors of the article ‘Ethical Framework for Designing Autonomous Intelligent Systems’ where concept of principlism, casuistry and importance of stakeholders are discussed. Ethical issues are identified on the basis of research and assessed whether they should be included in the system design. These can be considered on the basis of three approaches such as, value-based design, life-based design and responsible research and innovation. The first approach depends on the value that the technology offers focusing on its usage situations. The second discusses the relevance of technology for enhancing the quality of life of technology users and the third focusses on the importance of ethics in technology so that they are socially acceptable. The issues should be identified during the initial phase of analysis so that sustainable technical solutions are achieved improving moral for society. The multiple aspects of AIS design and their impacts on society require multidisciplinary approach for dissemination.

Firstly, the ethical implications should be analyzed since they would be used as moral grounds for designing the system. Principlism shall work on autonomy, justice, beneficence and non-maleficence. But the technology used by stakeholders and the context of those ethics will make the principles ineffective. Other values include accountability, usability, identity, ownership, freedom from prejudice.

Secondly, contextual ethics should be identified by overviewing several significant principles and guidelines for AI ethics stated by different organizations. The authors of the article built a set of ethical values by studying different sets of guidelines. Thirdly, the ethical issues identified in the analysis and overview of AI ethics should be understood thoroughly. The developers can use them as design requirements and include them into the design language.

It is important to include ethical values and their analysis within AIS. However, it is not proved that the identified issues are relevant for real design cases of autonomous systems. Further research is required to analyze the proposed approach to be viable for real scenarios. The proposed approach depends on human centered AIS design. Such framework can be used to justify the role of newly developed technology and building confidence of users in it.

It is evident that ethical issues be embedded within the system design from the beginning in the form of ethical requirements of the system. This will help it to improve the usability and confidence of the people, communities and society as a whole in technology.

P.S. I can share the guidelines if you would like to read more from the paper. Please mention in comments section.


Hagendorf, T. (2020), The Ethics of AI Ethics: An Evaluation of Guidelines. Received: 1 October 2019 / Accepted: 21 January 2020 / Published online: 1 February 2020

Hancock, J. T., Naaman, M., Levy, K., 2020, AI-Mediated Communication: Definition, Research Agenda, and Ethical Considerations, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 89–100,

Leikas, J., Koivisto, R., Gotcheva, N., 2019, Ethical Framework for Designing Autonomous Intelligent Systems, Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market and Complexity.

Taddeo, M., Floridi, L.,2018, How AI can be a force for good, Science, Vol. 361, Issue 6404, pp. 751-752, DOI: 10.1126/science.aat5991

Wang, W., Siau K., (2018), Ethical and Moral Issues with AI-- A Case Study on Healthcare Robots, Emergent Research Forum (ERF). Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans.



  1. Yes indeed the ethical issues should be centered how well the AI systems behave when the tangilibity on domains of social /economical/policitcal/regional/global/emotional and many more systems in which those AI models should behaved or going to be behaved and how there machine Learning algorithm (AI MODEL'S) should take input parameters so that it will balance the eco system of man and machine intelligently....very thankful for this approach which is exhaustively explorative


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