Artificial Intelligence- Emerging Trend in Information System


Artificial intelligence is a means to perform human-like operations through the use of machines. The machines can learn from experience using this technique. Computers can be trained to achieve particular tasks by processing and analyzing lots of data and recognizing patterns in it. AI has the capability to transform the world. It has led to numerous innovations such as connected Internet of things, autonomous vehicles and the like. AI can even contribute to help humans to experience feelings by connecting to the brain through complex brain interfaces. Commerce, transportation, cybersecurity and healthcare are a few of the systems revolutionized by AI. Security and explanation of AI systems can be measured and enhanced by fundamental research. Standards have been developed to ensure innovation, trust-worthiness and confidence in AI systems.


AI combines big data with intelligent algorithms and iterative processing to learn from patterns within the data automatically. AI thrives on data as discussed in conference proceedings of (Bernhard Phringer, 2015). Using advanced algorithms, the data can be analyzed efficiently at various levels. The answer to the problem question lies within the data and can be resolved by applying AI to the data. This can be achieved by implementing self-learning progressive algorithms on the data and this can lead to making the data intellectual property.  Such intelligent processing through AI helps humans to understand complicated systems and predict rare events. AI involves numerous fields within its vast expanse of technology as mentioned below

  • Neural Networks- The interconnected units called neurons process data by relaying information between the units and responding to external inputs. They derive meaningful information from undefined data using multiple passes at the data.
  • Natural Language Processing- It allows machines to communicate with humans with natural language used by humans to carry out everyday activities.
  • Cognitive Computing- This field focuses on simulating human processes by interpreting speech and images and providing coherent response like a natural human interaction.
  • Machine Learning- This field facilitates automated analytical model building using different techniques from physics, statistics and neural networks.
  • Deep Learning- Applications like Speech and image recognition use large neural networks having many processing units to learn complex patterns in data. The key units are graphical processing units which provide heavy compute power.

Why is AI required?

The significant features of AI that make it mandatory in today’s scenario are

  • AI makes the existing applications intelligent. Large amount of data can be combined with smart machines, robots and other automation platforms to improve technology at home as well as at office.
  • AI can perform high-volume repetitive tasks with high reliability quotient sans fatigue. Human supervision is essential to ask the right queries though.
  • AI analyzes data in deep learning through neural networks having several layers. The deep learning models provide accurate response analysis by analyzing humungous data directly.
  • AI offers a special technique of back propagation which allows the system to adjust and learn from more data in case the result obtained is not accurate. Progressive algorithms of AI are designed to explore structure and regularities within the data in order to acquire the desired skill like playing carrom or making product recommendation for future online shopping.


As stated in (Forbes, 2018), the strengths and weaknesses of AI are mentioned below.

  • Availability: Unlike humans, machines can provide results irrespective of time, without needing breaks and can perform long continuous jobs. It can be beneficial in managing databases, fraud detection, prediction of human query, search and intentions to substantial extent.
  • Daily Application: Autonomous techniques for learning and perception have become common. These include smartphones, media utilities of face recognition, etc.
  • Repetitive task management: AI makes machine capable of taking the place of people and performing tedious and repetitive activities and reduce human effort.
  • Medical assistance: Health care devices with machine intelligence can assess health related data of patients and outlines risk factors under the supervision of doctors. For example, artificial surgery simulator.
  • Digital Assistance: AI machines can offer correct program decisions on the basis of logic. Advanced organizations have implemented AI to reduce human resource requirement.
  • Error Reduction: AI can accomplish considerably low rate of error in comparison to human error. Computers with AI can offer remarkable accuracy, speed and precision.
  • Dangerous Exploration: AI systems can remain unaffected by belligerent environments and still accomplish perilous tasks such as enduring troubles that may result into life threatening situations like exploration in space, or hazardous activities like mining fuels, etc.


  • Self-modifying, when combined with self-replicating, can lead to dangerous, unexpected results, such as a new and frequently mutating computer virus.
  • Rapid advances in AI could mean massive structural unemployment AI utilizing non-transparent learning (i.e. neural networks) is never completely predictable.
  • One major weakness is that AI incorporates knowledge from data. The accuracy rate of results will thus depend on the accuracy of data.
  • These machines are programmed to accomplish specific task. They cannot behave like humans.
  • AI machines incur major cost in their construction, rebuilding, storage and repairing. Any repair will involve human intervention which makes it expensive.
  • AI machines are incapable of offering creativity as well as humans with the ability of sympathizing and using common sense.
  • If coded incorrectly, the machines can lead to destruction.

How is AI used by Businesses?

AI algorithms perceive things on the basis of patterns in data. AI can help humans be better at their jobs in various fields. It can facilitate humans to acquire better understanding, memory and better vision and lot more. It can enable industries to use data analytics to improve their overall performance including time series analysis and computer vision. Some of the industries utilizing AI capabilities are:

  • Retail Industry: AI systems facilitate personalized recommendations on shopping items. It can help the industry to organize and enhance stock management.
  • Health Care: Applications of AI provide assistance in daily activities of taking pills, exercising and can further provide personalized photographic analysis (X-Ray) and medicine
  • Banking: Techniques can be used in the banking sector to achieve accurate and efficient credit scoring, to automate data management involved in intensive tasks and to detect fraudulent transactions.
  • Manufacturing: AI machine uses machine learning and deep learning network to analyze data that streams from manufacturing equipment, forecasting various manufacturing factors for better efficiency of the system

Ethical Issues

It is important to be heedful in making an assumption as documented in (Dagsthul, 2016) that AI would enable machines to behave like humans by extrapolating the quantum leap of technology. Some of the reasons to be considered as ethical issues in the development and enhancement of intelligent machines are

  • Although, specialized AI has a limitation of serving specific purpose, AI in general may be taken as an autonomous agent capable of taking independent initiative and making plans.
  • AI may not share the stimulating tendency of people. AI may never resist to serve the need of humans or desires of a specific human. For example, a machine programmed to manufacture chairs, will manufacture chairs indefinitely and may resist attempts to stop or change its goal of manufacturing the item.
  • Humans could not micromanage the behavior of the machines without sacrificing their ability to function autonomously, thus losing the benefit of allowing them to replace humans in performing certain tasks.


AI is a field with lot of potential including sub-fields where it enhances the performance of intelligent machines. AI is an impactful technology which can influence almost all aspects of human life. The artificially intellectual systems facilitate decision making over data by using the ability of the system of deriving patterns from the data. They have increased the overall nature of intelligence and understanding of intellectual reasoning.

Ethical non-threatening machines should be created which can facilitate humans in various ways and explore survival in a better amicable way. It is important to boost transparency in algorithms to make the AI technology more reliable and the inventors should take responsibility of the immense power of AI through explaining and planning the actions in simple ways. Further, it is recommended to regulate and improve the use of data. Specific regulations should be outlined for the use of anonymous data considering the importance of data privacy and security along with allowing movement of data beyond borders.


Bernhard Phringer, Jochen Renz. "AI 2015: Advances in Artificial Intelligence". 28th Australasian Joint Conference, Australia, Nov 30-Dec 4, 2015 Proceedings

 Forbes Technology Council Post. "14 Ways AI will benefit or harm society". Mar 1, 2018.

Dagsthul, Susan Leigh Anderson. "Machine Ethics". 2016

Margaret A. Boden. "Creativity and artificial intelligence". Artificial Intelligence, Volume 103, Issues 1–2, August 1998, Pages 347-356


  1. Very well covered and informative article on AI ma'am 👍🏻✌🏻
    please give some information on deep Learning in coming series

    1. Sure Mr. Chabra. Will soon come up on DL. Thanks for your feedback.

  2. What I learnt recently is that there is no "Free Lunch" for all the ML alogorithms and AI concepts and it is critical to decide which concepts need to be used for a specific use-case. However, the best thing about this emerging trend is the infrastructure is now in a better state vs. we had 10 years ago. So comparing various systems has become quite efficient.

  3. To compare which AI method to use for a particular problem, one way could by developing AI prototype. But it is crucial to save oneself from making certain mistakes like not exploring every possible idea before deciding the use case, not considering how to integrate the chosen use case with the current system, availability of valid data in sufficient volume, etc.


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